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The University of Albany (SUNY): March 2003, The Department of Chemistry Seminar Series. Invited by Assist. Prof. Igor Lednev, One-hour lecture on "An Introduction to Forensic Analysis and Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy".
The University of Connecticut: Sept. 2001, for the Institute of Materials Science Polymer Seminar Series. Invited by Prof. Robert Weiss. One-hour lecture on "A Comparison of Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy for Synthetic Fiber Analysis.
The University of Connecticut: May 2001 , at the Institute of Materials Science. Invited by Prof. Samuel Huang for the Julian F. Johnson Memorial Symposium, "Contemporary Topics in Polymers Science for the 21 st Century", in 25-minute lecture on "Forensic Analysis of Polymeric Materials Using Vibrational Spectroscopy".
The University of South Carolina: Feb. 2000, for The Department of Chemistry Seminar Series. Invited by Prof. Stephen Morgan. One-hour lecture on "An Introduction to Forensic Analysis and Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy".
The University of Rhode Island: Dec. 1, 2000, for the Chemistry Department Seminar series, invited by Prof. Chris Brown, one-hour lecture on "Applications and Research using Vibrational Spectroscopy in Forensic Analysis".
The University of Rhode Island: Nov. 30, 2000, for the Forensic Science Partnership Seminar Series, invited by Dr. Jimmie Oxley, Co-director of the Forensic Science Partnership Program, one-hour lecture on "Forensic Infrared Analysis of Fibers".
The University of South Carolina: April 1999, for a Department of Chemistry class on the Introduction to Forensic Chemistry. Invited by Prof. Stephen Morgan. One-hour lecture on "An Introduction to Forensic Analysis and Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy".
The University of Connecticut: March 1999, The Department of Chemistry Colloquium Series. Invited by Profs. James Stuart and Robert Bohn. One-hour lecture on "An Introduction to Forensic Analysis and Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy".
The University of Laussane: Oct. 1996, Switzerland, Instiut de Police Scientifique. Invited by Prof. Pierre Margot, Director of the Institute. Lecture on "A Study on Analysis Techniques of Copy Toners by Infrared Spectroscopy", resulting from a collaboration with university staff member Williams Mazzella.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: Oct. 1993 , Guest speaker for graduate class: "Topics on Industrial Instrumental Analysis", Invited by Prof. Raymond Dessy. Two hour lecture on "An Introduction to Forensic Analysis and Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy".
Kansas State University: April 1992, Chemistry Seminar Series. Invited by Prof. William Fately. Two-hour lecture on "An Introduction to Forensic Analysis and Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy".